Is your world my world?
And is my world our world?
Is your reality real? Not everything is just what you see, but everything is already on the screen.
Beyond reality, after everything physical, you will experience your new reality. Who is the creator of your life, really?
Wherever you choose to live and experience, all your connections make sense. Even if not everything makes sense when connected.
Is your life real, plural, singular, connected? Or alienated? And do you live or sail?
A life. Many lives. Do they fit on a screen?
Here we arrive at the starting point of creation, of new sensations, new old movements of building, dressing, living, working, dancing, running, eating, continuing the fight. It's time to select, cut, copy, paste, select, cut, copy, paste, in short, reimagine everything.
In addition to a single (uni)verse, a Metaverse.
Is your world, my world?
And my world is our world?
Is your reality, real?
Not everything is just what you see, but everything is already on the screen.
Beyond reality, after all that it is physical, you will experience your new reality.
Who is truly the creator of your life?
Where you choose to live and experience, all your connections make sense. Even if not everything makes sense when connected.
Is your life really, plural, singular, connected?
Or alienated?
And do you live or just navigate?
A life. Many lives.
Do they fit on a screen?
Here we arrive at the starting point of creation, of new sensations, new old movements of building, dressing, living, working, dancing, running, eating, continuing the struggle.
It's time to select, cut, copy, paste, select, cut, copy, paste and reimagine everything.
Beyond a single (uni)verse a Metaverse.